"As cock-crow heralds the dawn, so music is the herald of the soul’s awakening.

Meanwhile, in the instruments of labour, of profit, and of sport, in the noisy machines which, even they, fall into a poetical rhythm, music can find her motives and her harmonies. "

This is an excerpt from the constitution (Carta del Carnaro) of the Free State of Fiume, the state D'Annunzio founded in 1919: one of truly utopian projects from the era of artistic Avantgarde. While it was based on Italian nationalism and foreshadowed fascism in many aspects, the Free State also had one of the most modern constitutions, explicitly proclaiming full equality between sexes etc.

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His politics, far right/proto-facism, based on Italian nationalism, to far-left, socialism and progressivism, were indeed fascinating!

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